In July we worked on:

New Features:

  • The General Ledger now includes services to populate and validate basic accounts, improve payment accuracy, support gift card redemptions, and refine invoice translations
  • A new filter was added to Best Sellers, allowing users to sort by author
  • Additionally, a search endpoint for monthly stock cache was created to enhance the accuracy of profit and loss data

Improvements this month concentrated on:

  • Elastic & Elastic Search: Enhanced stock log tracking, reporting, and quantity accuracy
  • Sales Report: Refactored for accurate cost-price reporting
  • Inbox Category: Ongoing item mapping improvements
  • Pre-orders: Improved performance and user experience
  • Circle Gift Card: Added pagination for better loading times
  • Customer Orders: Developed a more efficient shipping API
  • BackOffice: Enhanced community comparison feature
  • General Ledger: Simplified ledger process by removing “undrop” feature
  • MailGun: Updated email handling for better accuracy

Housekeeping & Upgrades concentrated primarily on Rails, Elastic Search and Vue 3

New Features

  • General Ledger
    • We progressed in our new feature in development by adding a service to populate a basic Ledger for a Site, enabling the proper setup of all basic accounts and creating a new active Ledger with all base accounts. #187834164
    • We improved the ledger translator for accurate payments, added support for Vii Gift Card redemptions, and separated payments and invoices translation for better accuracy. #187784233 #187784221 #187281532
    • We progressed in our new feature in development by adding validations to ensure that our Ledger is accurate and error-free, translating the process of dropping invoices and payments to make them accessible. #187729451 #187580049 #187281529
  • Best Sellers
    • We progressed in our new feature by adding a filter that allows users to sort best sellers by author, making it easier to find specific authors’ best-selling books. #187470664
  • P&L
    • We created a search endpoint for monthly opening stock cache, allowing us to test and filter the monthly profit and loss data accurately according to the stock value storage. #187756566


  • Elastic
    • We enhanced stock log fields by populating them based on the site’s item stock movement history and added a feature flag for this calculation to provide better tracking and reporting. #187802491
    • Elastic Search
      • We enhanced the accuracy of stock log reports by adding new fields to correct wrong quantity calculations and populating them with model callbacks. #187802443
  • Sales Report
    • Refactor
      • We updated the sale order’s item cost-price during invoicing to avoid the 0-cost price issue, ensuring accurate cost reporting in our daily sales reports. #186431925
  • Inbox Category
    • We’re progressing on our scheduled job to correctly map the items inside the ‘Inbox’ category and place them into the correct one, we’re looking into every single site in the association, trying to apply the proper category for the item. #187662823
  • Pre orders
    • We improved performance by removing the check for items being on order and instead checked if the publication or availability date is future-dated and if the item is out of stock. #187615661
    • We enhanced the user experience by improving the confusing messages that appeared when changing quantities in the cart. #187056952
  • Vue 3
    • Circle Gift Card
      • Batch Gift Card Stock
        • We added pagination to the batch gift card stock API to resolve issues with page loading times, improving performance. #187840589
  • Customer Orders
    • Shipped Items
      • We created an API to handle the shipping processes, making it more efficient to manage shipping information in the database. #187857936
  • BackOffice
    • Movers
      • We reintroduced and enhanced the community comparison feature in BackOffice, making it a more useful tool for sales by tweaking its performance. #187471970
  • General Ledger
    • We applied an improvement related to our General Ledger (currently in development) by removing the “undrop” feature for payments and invoices, ensuring a cleaner and safer ledger process. #187732540
  • MailGun
    • DMARC
      • We improved email handling by using the “Accounts Email” instead of the “Site Contact Email” in the Reply-To field. #187573791

Housekeeping & Upgrades

  • Rails 7.0
    • We’ve fixed errors and improved compatibility in our system, ensuring smooth operation. Our updates include addressing deprecation warnings and refining configurations for seamless performance. #187876495 #187747369 #187603249 #187934257
    • We fixed a few deprecation warnings and fixed some automated tests related to our Rails migration. #187875841 #187892416 #187871615 #187815147We progressed in our migration to Rails version 7, improving features related to the TinyMCE and POS transaction, improving overall system stability. #187644449 #187747421
        • We’re progressing in our Rails version migration, fixing some automated test issues and deprecation warnings #187747397 #187747390 #187523684 #187710536
  • Elastic Search
    • We’re progressing toward our goal of fixing the mismatched stock values, so we created a job that will run and identify what items are inaccurate, enabling our system to apply the necessary fixes in the future. #187647917 #187808715

  • Upgrades
      • Vue 3 Upgrade
        • We’ve enhanced the loading experience in Binned Items, improved the organization of form validation utilities, and smoothed out the UX for onboarding pages. All for a better user experience! #187823294 #187760521 #187891382
        • We applied a codebase refactor in our main workflows for picked, binned, and shipped items features to ensure consistency and maintainability. #187895621 #187631375 #187888436 #187885039 #187842479
        • We performed a codebase refactor in our features that we use the Vue interface, enhancing code consistency and maintainability. #187841904 #187840363 #187840343 #187821371
        • We improved the user experience on the “Picked Items” and “Self-Onboarding” pages and applied a codebase refactor to keep our application consistent and maintainable. #187829656 #187806009 #187760507 #187764327 #187729824

    See for all changes including bug fixes.

    Some of the things we are currently working on:

      • Rails 7
      • Vue 3 Upgrade
      • Deals
      • General Ledger
      • Bug Fixes