Since the Last Update

In December we focussed on stability and speed, avoiding making any changes that did not directly improve this. The stability of the server over Christmas was as a result of this, so we have decided to devote a developer to this full time. Other developers continued to work on the things listed below, which will be pushed out to prod from now.

New Feature

  • Customer Orders
    • Go to Customer Orders > By Supplier. This new menu will give you outstanding COs by Supplier to help with CO follow ups. This is big and new so will take some bedding in. Send support any issues you spot. (Video 0.57)

Beta Test Requests

  • Customer Orders
    • Customer Order by Supplier submenu has been added to the Customer Order tab.
  • Data Imports
    • Option to import groups of customers to the shop.
  • Rails 4
  • Staff
    • Restrict staff access to selected pages: Backoffice > Staff > Restrict Staff.


  • CO Pick
    • Created a CO pick API which is the first step towards implementing the new Customer Order pick interface. We will have something to show you when we connect this to the new interface.
  • CO Receipt
    • Added phone # to the printable Customer Order receipt.
  • Data Exports
    • Customer CSV download extended to include more fields.
  • Data Feeds
    • Handled the error on some Thorpe Bowker image URLs.
  •  Movers
    • Limited the Movers search to a 5 day range. The Firefox bug caused 1 year searches which needed to be stopped. For longer periods of sales searchers please use Best Sellers.
  • POS
    • Stopped the POS (.09 version) downloading all customers again when you click crtl N. This speeds up customer searching.
  • Website
    • Make Available Stock red when 0 available and also show in the cart. This is to reduce customer confusion about what is in stock and what is not.

Bug Fixes, Housekeeping and System Administration

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • Pushing all the changes and improvements out that built up in December.
  • Rails 4.2 upgrade

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Customer order picking revamp.
  • Leading Edge Integration for order sending
  • A tool to convert loyalty to vouchers.

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