Production update 16 June 2014Warwick Schaffer2023-08-11T14:40:45+12:00
New search engine
Hidden items should no longer show in the website search
Ability to differentiate how it operates between website and backoffice
Out of print books or out of production items will not show in the website search but will show in the backoffice search.
Ability to enter deposits with customer orders and print a receipt from the green guy mouse over.
New signed label printing applet
Should stop all the browser warnings when you go to print labels.
New site navigation and item layout.
Category now opens on a new page so that you don’t lose view of the subcategories
Items from all categories show under the parent category so the you don’t get gaps
Each item now has a category link
Email validation added to customer sign up
Honey hot added to catch robots
Improvements to the payment option in the website cart
New checkout step for Swipe and Paypal payments so that customer get a change to check and change address and email address before stepping.
Inwards good unique number generator.
Inwards goods now prevents invoice # duplication however there are some circumstances were supplier invoices are not unique this feature allows you to add a .xx number to make is unique but still retain the initial number.
Made the default country in the back office equal the shops country.
Make the stock take submit happen in the background
Shows progress,
Safeguards against submitting same stock take twice
Supplier invoice date and submit now show in finished jobs
change the colour of the numbers in the history of our movers, the orange, red and green on the green background is really hard to see.