Since the last update

The focus over the last couple of months has been on perfecting big new features that we would like you to test on beta. We have also implemented custom label printing and provided all sites with SSL encryption. This allows you are retain your own domain through the cart process and helps your site rank better on Google.

Available to test on Beta

  • Agency feature
  • New website layout

We are keen to get you to test these features ahead of a roll out to prod. Look at the help video walkthroughs, have a go and email with any issues you strike.

New Features now on prod

  • Baker and Taylor integration to provide real time price and availability video 2:11
  •  Leading Edge integration. Phase 2 of 3, in system deal flagging video video 1:34


  • Reports
    • Monthly Reports : Update the label from “Monthly Sales (inc. GST)” to Monthly Sales (excl. GST)
    • Removed items sold column from category report. The value is was adding was not paying for the space it was taking.
  • Categories
    • Items were falling into the default category when a category is deleted with items in it. You now get a warning
  • Load Stock
    • Tab now touches the new qty field in load stock
  • Currently on order
    • Searching for order # in currently on order now goes straight to the order
  • Click & collect
    • Reduce the visible description in the C&C popup so that the sites and buttons show without scrolling
  • Inwards Goods
    • We are working to fix the incorrect Margin % on INW Goods
  • Returns
    • Returns recommendations should only apply to those items with “No Sale”
  • POS
    • Move backoffice POS download link on help tab from dropbox to Google drive

Bug Fixes housekeeping and sys admin

Plans for the coming Month

Plans this month have not changed much from last month as it has taken longer than hoped to get the test features on beta polished and onto prod. We managed LE and B&T integrations and hope to get the following done in the next weeks.

  • New Best seller report
  • New Website
  • Agency addition
  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • Bootstrap 3 upgrade in the back office starting with customer order picking and returns

New things we want to make a start on

  • Rails 4 upgrade
  • Use of docker to dynamically scale the system based on demand.

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