Since the last update

We are back in action and with a new developer (Edwardo) on the team. A lot of stuff is being pushed out at the moment including an integration with Gardners Books.

New Features

  • Reading level special field added (Video 1:34)
  • Browser based system to alert you when a new orders come in. (Video 1:34)
  • Secondary category display added to customer orders to support warehouse operations. (Video 1:04)
  • Flexible sort orders by categories, (good if you run events) (Video 3:04)
  • Gardners P&A Integration  (Video 0:36)


  • New Website/New Layout
    • Category display becomes too wide in full screen
    • Added the tool to print barcoded catalogues from categories and wish lists. See the bottom right of each page.
    • Add the ability to sort by selected fields and have different sorts for different categories. (video)
    • Carousel Improvements
    • Option added to be able to view more than 12 titles in a category
    • Added matrix product display to the new layout
    • Made setting address more intuitive in the cart check out page.
    • Reduce unnecessary sql queries to increase speed (now 2 – 3x faster).
  • Consignment
    • Added a tool to manually extract a Consignment Reports
  • SEO
    • Migrate current analytics tags to Google Tag Manager
  • Returns
    • In returns to process, you can now remove an item that you can not find, has been sold for example.
  • ABE
    • The drop down for the category now also shows Sub-Category
  • TitlePage
    • Changed the TitlePage name in the distributor modal from NA to TitlePage
    • Added addition error handling to cope with times when TitlePage is down.
    • Price Value for NZ Sites is now converted to NZD from AUD see the info mouse over for the calculation.
  • Speed
    • Add index on manufacturer_id in agency_manufacturer to improve site product Elastic Search import speed
  • Defaults
    • Improved “New Site” default settings to make setups easier and faster.
  • Bot stopper
    • Configure Captcha keys in preparation for prod release.
  • Agency
    • Moved agency setting to a modal with instructions and a change log to reduce agency setting mistakes

Bug Fixes housekeeping and sys admin

Plans for the coming Month

  • To continued the focus on bedding in
    • Agency
    • New website
      • Layout tidiness
      • Website speed
      • Smooth and intuitive process flows
      • Data analytics
  • Overall system speed and stability

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • Central reporting for groups
  • Setup wizard
  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring

New things we want to make a start on

  • Rails 4 upgrade
  • Ruby 2.2 upgrade
  • New billing system

Beyond the next month

  • Use of docker to dynamically scale the system based on demand.
  • Bootstrap 3 upgrade in the back office (Currently in design phase)

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