Since the last update

July has been a quiet month due to staff taking leave but we managed to release the new website. It is now a matter of bedding this in as we work with designers to upgrade sites to the new version.

New Features

  • New Website
    • Features include: (Video 6:42)
      • Improved Search Engine Optimization and data tracking
      • Clearer more efficient cart and checkout process
      • Technology upgrade to keep systems current and to offer designers the latest tools
      • New default layout
      • Backoffice dropdown menu
      • Sub menus for content pages
      • External links for content navigation
      • Colour adjust for buttons
      • Carousel for homepage categories with wrapping feature
      • Html and colour selection for footer
      • Full width wrapping
      • Bread crumb navigation
      • Full separation of prod and beta templates so that designs can be perfected on beta and then pushed to prod.

If you need a graphic designer here’s a list that have experience working on Circle sites.


  • Agency
    • Publisher is now sorted into most in stock order. Reports > Agency > click the +
    • A remove option has been added in the distributor modal to enable incorrect distributors to be removed.
  • Best Sellers
    • Put back the Price details (Cost / Reg Price / Sale Price / Total)
  •  Returns
    • Add return # to the open return
  •  Loyalty
    • “Download as CSV” now includes all loyalty balances not just those expiring in 30 days.
  • Titlepage
    • Add a message or fallback if TitlePage is unreachable. (Was throwing an error preventing supplier setting)
  • Inwards goods
    • Added an extra decimal point on margin in inwards goods e.g. 47.5%
    • Added a variance on QTY in inwards goods, to highlight quantity errors.

Bug Fixes housekeeping and sys admin

Plans for the coming Month

  • Get some shops to try the new website and tidy and polish as we go.
  • Automatic consignment billing through the POS
  • Gardners P&A integration

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • Central reporting for groups

New things we want to make a start on

  • Rails 4 upgrade
  • Ruby 2.2 upgrade
  • Use of docker to dynamically scale the system based on demand.

Beyond the next month

  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring
  • Bootstrap 3 upgrade in the back office (Currently in design phase)

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