Since the last update

The focus over the last couple of months has been on perfecting big new features that we would like you to test on beta. We have also implemented custom label printing and provided all sites with SSL encryption. This allows you are retain your own domain through the cart process and helps your site rank better on Google.

Available to test on Beta

  • New notification system (Video 1:25)
  • Baker and Taylor integration (Video 1:09)
  • POS – Deposit integration (Video 2:46)

We are keen to get you to test these features ahead of a roll out to prod. Look at the help video walkthroughs, have a go and email with any issues you strike.

New Features now on prod

    • Reports
      • Real Time sales trajectory. MTD this year compared to MTD last year. (Video 0:43)
    • Custom labels  (Video 0:39)
    • Free SSL for private domains (Video 1:20)


  • sales stats
    • Changed sales report queries in purchase orders to use invoices to reduce database load.
  • Inwards goods
    • Rolled back the change that stop save updating price in inwards goods.
    • Capture table lock errors in inwards goods job and requeue instead of failing the job.
  • ES
    • Implement ES model import for product import
  • POS
    • Enabled SSL peer verification for the POS
    • When a Voucher has expired stop it being used and instead display a message that the “Voucher is Expired”
  • SSL
    • SSL on custom www. urls. Customers will no longer be switched to * URLs in carts if you have a domain.
  • Staff
    • Staff IDs can no longer add or remove new staff.
  • save
    • Reduced the time tables need to be locked when save is used.
  • PO Cart
    • Prevented the use of the browser back arrow as it caused quantity to increase by 1.
  • Movers
    • Add the Shop Notes icon under the Info Column as it is in PO search.
  • SEO
    • Reduce listings per page and implement lazy loading to increase page speed. (Google penalizes slow pages)
  • Reports
    • Category Report Extend date filter to 24 months
    • Added the +- comparison to the month to date stat.
    • Removed GST from the monthly sales report. This makes it consistent with other reports and is better acc practice
  • Label Printing
    • Add dynamic tokens for EPL code
    • Ability to pick which labels to print from INW Goods and Print Alphabetically.

Bug Fixes housekeeping and sys admin

Plans for the coming Month

Continuing work that we would like to deliver and or bed in this month

  • New Best seller report
  • New Website
  • Agency addition
  • Extended Leading Edge integration
  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • Bootstrap 3 upgrade in the back office starting with customer order picking and returns

New things we want to make a start on

  • Rails 4 upgrade
  • Use of docker to dynamically scale the system based on demand.

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