This is a patch update, the main purpose was to push remaining fixes to production ahead of major new features we want to leave on beta for awhile so that they are well tested. Speed increases and full customer order display in the pick screen are also part of this update.


  • Improve customer order lookup speed
  • Report optimisation – Optimise category sales
  • Inwards Goods – Customer Report now displays all customer orders including those in purchase order carts.

Bug Fix:

  • External Services  > PACSTREAM : Stopped SAN being erased/wipe from field when you change Settings > Website and Settings > Homepage
  • Stopped Paperclip resized images disappearing
  • Purchase Order Cart Checkout : Print Order version doesn’t have any values, ISBN or books are not listed on the printable version. (PACSTREAM only)


  • Second hand book support
  • Mobile phone friendly website
  • Accounts payable
  • Group transfer tidyups

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