Since the Last Update

A very long list of improvements and new features released last month in particular a new group website to give groups a central site that is able to represent all stock in all stores. A new SMS bulk messaging system was added to  inwards goods and the group deal system and been greatly improved.

New Features

    • Customer order SMS bulk messaging system
      • You are now able to send massages to all customers at once via oneway sms to tell them to come and pick up their books.
    • New central site for groups
      • This enables you to have a “head Office’ site represent the products in group shops rather than needing to make one store represent the rest.


    • Ordering
      • Attach a csv to orders when they are emailed to make it easier for suppliers and stores to load into other systems #168419352
    • Speed Optimization
      • Verify database connection in UpdateZeroCostOrdersJob. #3419
    • Customer Orders
      • We have improved where order references display and made them easier to edit. There is lot in this so see video for details #169029147 Video:
    • Asset server Infrastructure
      • Setup SemaphoreCI, to expand automated testing systems #3435
      • Update storage:upload rake task to mark records as not found before uploading #GH #3341
      • Remove file conflict in CssDocument and Item. This is the last change needed to allow us to start using the new asset server #168499620
    • Customer Order Notes
      • Replaced line reference with order ref and order note in the backoffice purchase order search area. #167584776 Video
    • Load Stock
      • Change load stock so that it loads community items first and then brings feed items in in the background. Improves speed and allows you to start on categories etc while feed items come in. #166947595
    • Accounts
      • Exclude Dropped Payments line when Printing Account Statements. This was making statements look untidy #168366005
    • Group Deals
      • Improve the information flag on items that have deals #168183818
      • Put a tick field into the cart to carry deal notes over to order emails based on qty ordered #168529123
      • Ability to import spreadsheet deals saved by Excel with extended unicode characters #168846234
      • Deal flags in more places and the ability to click deals to put terms into description and qty fields #165552320
      • Add a delete option to the deal page to enable admin users to remove deals #168889440
      • Deals] Add deal flag in load stock so you can see any group deals when buying front list from reps #168889466
      • Add click event on group deal flags so that you can click to get deal minimums in load stock and purchase order screens #168974208
      • Added a cut down ordering only site option. #168998360
      • Add an image to the deal in the deal listing #169169302
      • Bold ISBN Title Author etc and leave description in normal font or smaller to differentiate #169170535
    • Group Website
      • Reverse stock mapping interface for group websites for cases where there isn’t a single site that holds most titles. #159981215
      • A system to list items in shops on a central group site #168640717
    • Cash up
      • Separated the adjustment out to make it more clear in total sales #168529253
    • Xero
      • The Price sent to Xero are incorrect if the % Discount is the Same as the GST Rate of the Shop #167482144
      • Xero] Stop Xero syncing when banking from cashup it should just happen from the sync button in the cashup report. #169222097
    • Automated Tests
      • Added screenshot system to catch when an online feature test fails to make it easier to trace the cause GH #3439

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • Rails 4
  • Vii website integration
  • A bug bash

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Customer order pick up in the POS

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