Since the Last Update

At this time of year we focus in stability, removal of anything that can cause load spikes and small improvement and bug fixes. We found that may bots were ‘parsing’ sites so we have been putting in system to alert us to this activity and blocking the bots doing this. It has dramatically cut load and reduced load spikes.

New Features

      • Vii Gift Cards can now be redeemed online Video


      • Accounts
        • Account payments using Vii cards now show in the account statement # 167637071
      • Infrastructure/systems
        • Added DataDog to the list of tools we are using. #3482
        • Add Semaphore back to deploy alpha. Semaphore is a system for log storage and performance tracking GH #3506
        • Connected the new asset server to production. This will increase webpage loading speed and help us scale.
      • SEO
        • Disable google crawling to the cart this improves SEO but also cuts load as google was unnecessarily triggering shipping cost calculations in the cart. #169354559
      • cash up
        • Limit the number of days in a cashup to 7. Is a really a security improvement to prevent people from accidentally selecting large cash up periods like a year which over load servers. #168307927
      • SMS Bulk messaging
        • Add the ability to remove recipients from the bulk email and sms messaging systems # 169472822
      • Deals
        • The ‘Deals’ page now has current, upcoming and expired sections, stars on titles also only show for current deals # 169355148
        • Added deal stars to movers # 169333195
        • Add exp date to deal star info # 169357132
        • Flag deal stars that are about to expire with a different star icon/colour. # 169357146
        • The deal plus sign now shows in the PO email body and attached CSV #169654265
      • Returns
        • A new faster better last invoice date search has been added to returns. Video
      • APIs
        • Created an API to enable Sale Orders to be sent into the system. # 166437327
      • Xero
        • Integrated vouchers are now sent to a separate account when posting to xero. #168611736
      • POAs
        • Added additional logging to help isolate the POA pickup issues. #3464

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • Rails 4
  • Vii website integration
  • A bug bash

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Improved customer order pick up in the POS
  • Improved customer order fulfilment system.

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