Since the Last Update

At this end of the year we spend time improving performance and the issue alert and recovery systems. We have also taken the time to get some smaller things done that don’t make the top of the priority list, but are nonetheless annoyances and easy to do. The big things we have been working on are a system to merge duplicated customers (in progress) and the box scan tool.

New Feature

  • Box Scan
    • Here is the video walk through for the new Box Scan tool. (Video: 3.33)

Beta Test Requests

  • Customers
    • Merge function to handle duplicated customers. This needs to be tested carefully because account balances, orders etc. are spread across multiple IDs and need to be under one. Backoffice > Customers. (Video: 2.45)
  • Statement Printing
    • Add the statement printing tools that are on the main accounts receivable page to the layby schedule.
    • Organise the print statement buttons so that it is obvious what needs to be set when printing open invoice statements.
  • Stock Log
    • Stopped the log throwing an error when an invoice is referenced instead of the inwards goods job.
  • Rails 4


  • Click & Collect
    • Enable the email notification for click and collect orders.
  • Customer Orders
    • Added receipt printer option to the printable customer order page.
    • Phone # has been added to the printable CO receipt (appears after submitting a customer order).
  • Invoices
    • Added email address to invoices.
  • Local Image
    • Show local image for an item in the catalogue pages if there is one, otherwise show the community image.
  • Purchase Order
    • Distributor changes no longer cause page to scroll to the top.
  • Speed Optimisation
    • Optimised account balance updates.
  • Suppliers
    • Community fields are clearer in the supplier setup and there is a warning on the SAN field.

Bug Fixes, Housekeeping and System Administration

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • POS improvements
  • Vii gift card integration
  • Customer merging tools

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Customer order picking revamp
  • Rails 4.2 upgrade
  • Leading Edge Integration for order sending
  • Hachette integration

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