Since the last update

At the beginning of this month we rolled out the new agency feature that we had been working on for about a year. This month has been mostly about perfecting and improving this feature.

New Features

  • Agency feature Thursday 8th July
    • Setting Agency and Distributor (Video 2:55)
    • Adding a new Agency (Video 2:08)
  • SEO
    • Google Tag Manager has been embedded into the system to manage tracking tags used to measure and improve website performance(Video)
  • Stock Upload
    • Add “Reading Level” and “Series” on the Optional Header we can upload


  • Agency
    • Show link to existing agency so shops can update the distribution rights.
    • Agency is not searchable in AU site when when distribution right is set NZ only added ability to add AU.
    • “This item only” should set the distributor as Default for that product only
    • Rework the “(set) as” option for Distributor so the this time only is only for the selected item.
    • Find a way to flag official distributors in the lookup fields.
    • Removed eMail validation for Agency to cope with duplicate emails in the system. Need a merge project in the future.
    • When you click ‘Create New’ in the agency lookup the setup page now opens in a new tab.
    • Remove the eMail Validation for Agency setup from distributor. (just validation – eMail Address is still required)
    • When you click ‘Create New’ in the agency lookup the setup page now opens in a new tab.
    • Newly created agency was not allowing a duplicate email (we will need to address duplicates in the future)
    • Display previous distributors to make it easier to set remaining agencies.
  • Nielsen
    • Enable the look up of more that 50 items at once by batching requests into lots of 50.
  • Titlepage
    • Move the TitlePage P&A lookup to the model so it matches how we are doing it for integrated suppliers.
  • New Website
    • Prod template now separated so that content pages added on beta only show on beta.

Bug Fixes housekeeping and sys admin

Plans for the coming Month

Release and tidy

  • New website layout (Aiming to push on Tue 4th July AH)
    • This video (8:45) shows you how to check your site on beta, and tells your designers where to start.If you need a graphic designer here’s a list that have experience working on Circle sites.

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring
  • Bootstrap 3 upgrade in the back office (Currently in design phase)

New things we want to make a start on

  • Rails 4 upgrade

Beyond the next month

  • Use of docker to dynamically scale the system based on demand.

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