Since the last update

May has been another month of bug bashing as we try to perfect the big new features that we want to push to prod Agency and the new website. It is always difficult to get these things out the door (there is always a way to make something better) but we feel way can draw a line now and give release dates.

  • Agency feature Thursday 8th July
    • Setting Agency and Distributor (Video 2:55)
    • Adding a new Agency (Video 2:08)
  • New website layout Thursday 15th June
    • This video (8:45) shows you how to check your site on beta, and tells your designers where to start.If you need a graphic designer here’s a list that have experience working on Circle sites.

We are keen to get you to test these features ahead of a roll out to prod. Look at the help video walkthroughs, have a go and email with any issues you strike.

New Features

  • Supplier integration
    • We now deliver P&A data into stores for Distributors that use Circle for their website.  (Video)


  • Leading Edge
    • Stop non LE members seeing LE deals. Add country support so that AU deals only show in AU stores.
  • Xero integration
    • Accounts payable now also syncs with Xero.
  • Accounts
    • Drop Invoice box is translucent making the details difficult to read, changed the background.
  • Reporting
    • Moved group reporting to elastic search. Backoffice > Reports > Group Reporting
  • INW Goods
    • Lock the Invoice Date box so Staff can’t manually type the date (and get it wrong – affects Returns Stat)
  • Returns
    • Cart Qty gets increased with the hits on Add to cart button – added double click prevention
  • POS
    • Download only recently updated non-tracked items to speed up downloads.
  • Website
    • Honey Pot and Bots : A honey pot added to click & collect to stop bots setting up accounts.
    • Right align images in the mobile view.

Bug Fixes housekeeping and sys admin

Plans for the coming Month

Release and tidy

  • New Website
  • Agency addition

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring

New things we want to make a start on

  • Rails 4 upgrade

Beyond the next month

  • Use of docker to dynamically scale the system based on demand.
  • Bootstrap 3 upgrade in the back office starting with customer order picking and returns

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