Driving Organic Traffic to your Online Bookstore with Bookstore Inventory Software

With ecommerce firmly on the rise, it’s more important than ever to have a reliable bookstore inventory software to handle the increased number of people preferring online shopping over going out to a physical store for their requirements.

Consumer requirements and shopping behaviour are influenced by Ecommerce, and whether you run an online clothing store or a bookstore, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends and practices. 

All budding online bookstore owners must remember one thing if they want to be successful, optimisation is the key to higher traffic and eventually more sales in the world of Ecommerce. Also, a good bookstore inventory software will help you keep track of available and sold books easily. 

In this blog, we will share some tips on how to drive your online bookstore’s organic traffic. 

The simple combination of great website optimisation and stress-free shopping experiences, will lead to more organic traffic and higher conversion rates.

Website Optimisation is Vital

A recent research shows that by the end of 2022, Ecommerce sales are expected to reach $5.4 trillion, an increase of almost three times in the past six years.

After the Coronavirus pandemic, these figures are surely set to rise, and online bookstore owners need to focus on SEO and website optimisation. This will help your bookstore visitors and shoppers to enjoy a genuine, hassle-free shopping experience. Visitors to your online store are looking for specific solutions. A well-optimised website using bookstore inventory software will help your visitors achieve their goal.

For your bookstore, you must optimise it in a way that increases traffic and maximises the number of books bought by users. SEO practices like keyword selection, linking strategy, meta-tag development, directory listing, website submission, etc., will improve your search engine ranking.

With increased organic traffic, you will get new leads through better conversion rates and clear information to visitors. This will boost your online bookstore’s revenue and reduce the costs of running the website. 

Here are some ways to optimise your online bookstore and drive organic traffic

Ask Your Customer to Leave Reviews and Feedback

A nice tactic for better customer engagement and increased organic traffic is asking your readers to provide book reviews and related blogs for your online bookstore. This will enhance your relationship with customers and offer genuine content for your website that rakes in more traffic. Many people are interested in reading blogs and compelling book reviews. 

Reviews are also a nice way to increase a book’s visibility and make sure they are discovered by new website visitors. Books with reviews are usually shown to readers more than books without them. You can also invite readers to your bookstore community, where they can rate books and have discussions. Customers love it when they are valued, which is important for more traffic. 

Offer Discounts and Exclusive Deals to Your Customers with Bookstore Inventory Software

Absolutely everyone loves discounts, and your bookstore can gain loyal bookworms if you offer regular deals and discounts to them. A great way is to celebrate Author of the Month and offer discounts on all books written by them. Another way is to bundle 4 or 5 books of the same genre and offer a discounted price for the bundle. 

A bookstore inventory management system will help you check the number of books, and you can offer deals on books that are low in stock. You will get returning customers and new visitors when you offer competitive pricing and a fortnightly or monthly book sale. Discounts are loved by book readers, and they will improve your bookstore’s reputation and overall revenue. 

Ensure You Place a Clear and Concise CTA

Imagine a customer is interested in a book on your bookstore’s website, goes through reviews and pricing but does not understand what to do to purchase the book. You must place a clear and visible call-to-action button on the product page because a potential buyer may close the page if they do not find this button quickly enough. 

You will lose a lot of conversions and revenue if you do not use a CTA or have a poorly-placed CTA button. Users need guidance on how to proceed with a purchase, and the CTA does this job. After a user looks at a book, they are in the decision-making process. A call-to-action button creates urgency and urges the reader to proceed further with the purchase. Good bookstore inventory software often has CTAs built into their design.

Bookstore Inventory Software for EcommerceYour Bookstore Inventory Software’s Payment & Shipping Process Should Be Simple and Hassle-Free

Research shows that the online store cart abandonment rate is around 70%. More than half the people who add products to their cart don’t end up buying them. A difficult checkout process and complex payment process are the main reasons behind this. The steps involved in completing an online payment along with timely delivery and shipping are vital for a good customer experience.

An easy checkout process is important, and the ability to use coupon codes, deals, etc., goes a long way. Also, your bookstore should offer multiple payment methods so that readers can pay conveniently. With a Bookstore Inventory System, you can enhance your online bookstore’s checkout, payment, and delivery process. 

Offer 24×7 Customer Support

If a reader wants information regarding the purchase of used books or they are looking for recommendations on what to read, they’ll prefer talking to one of your bookstore’s knowledgeable team. You should try to offer 24×7 customer support instead of the usual ‘fill out this form’ or ‘enter your email, and our team will contact you’.

To respect the time of your readers as well as your team, offering 24×7 live chat is an effective way. Your readers can get their queries resolved while shopping for books instead of waiting for a response email or call from a staff member. Offering good customer support is a great way to boost traffic to your bookstore. 


Everyone can start an online Ecommerce store, but the biggest challenge is to maintain high-level web optimisation that boosts traffic and increases your overall revenue. The same goes for bookstores, and in the above blog, we checked out the best practices to drive organic traffic to your online bookstore.

With these techniques, you can improve the visibility of your store and offer a great shopping experience as well. Also, consider using an inventory management system for bookstores that help track book stocks, sales, returns, etc.

Good luck in attracting lots of readers and selling the best books to them. 

For more reading on this topic have a look at How to rank your bookstore higher in Google’s top search Ecommerce SEO or read more news from CirclePOS and the industry