A website designed specially for local bookstores

May 22, 2024By Warwick SchafferFeature Articles, News Articles

The goal of CirclePOS is to make local bookstores as good online as they are in-store. Local bookstores have the killer advantage of being just down the road and offer a genuinely personal relationship with local customers. Local bookshops will prevail over central giants if given the right tools. This article focuses on specific features, including how it’s designed and integrated into the inventory system to provide customers with a similar level of service online as they would have in-store. We have another article on why the CirclePOS website is laid out like it is.

Bookstore Inventory Software & Organic Traffic

June 30, 2022By Warwick SchafferNews Articles

Driving Organic Traffic to your Online Bookstore with Bookstore Inventory Software With ecommerce firmly on the rise, it’s more important than ever to have a reliable bookstore inventory software to handle the increased number of people preferring online shopping over going out to a physical store for their requirements. Consumer requirements and shopping behaviour are influenced … Read More