Since the Last Update

This month we delivered stocktake, deal and account improvements that were work in progress and started on a whole lot of new website related tasks and countries go into various levels of lockdown and retail is forced online. Along side this system and infrastructure upgrades continue we are now up to 30 sites on the new r4 servers.


          • Returns
            • Removed the new returns search feature flag so that it is available to all stores. #171661684
          • Website
            • Add template setting to change font colour of category header #172015561
            • Updated the Change Password eMail template so it does not mention Circlesoft. The Forgot password email now references the shop #172097668
          • Stock take
            • The ability to find and add items not in stock in the system but scanned in a stock take to the diff list has been added to the stock take file upload option. #171831921 (Used when you have separate stock take scanners.)
            • Put file loads and stock take submits into a separate queue where they will not hold up high priority processes. #171372740
          • Accounts
            • Add an Undrop Function for Dropped Payments to enable mistakes to be reversed. #169669139
          • Deals
            • Improved Booknet file order upload support for group deals. #170717302
            • ebility order file upload support for group deals. #171275882

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • Online improvements

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Rails 4 upgrade

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