System Updates 1 Apr – 1 May 2021

May 6, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update In April work continued on the big things, bin fulfilment features, Circle gift card upgrade and the Xero integration which is now in beta with the first stores. We also completed the server move to Sydney, improved deals expiry time, increased speed and upgraded out system monitoring environment. New Feature Circle … Read More

System Updates 29 Feb – 31 Mar 2021

April 16, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update Work continued on bin fulfilment features, Circle gift card upgrade and Xero integration. We improved the mover’s time stamp system and changed the deal expiry to happen in the shop’s time zone.  A number of improvements were also made to catch and prevent transactions getting stuck in the POS. Finally a … Read More

System Updates 1 Feb – 1 Mar 2021

March 8, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update The new checkout was rolled out for everyone, work continued on bin customer order fulfilment features and the Circle gift card upgrade. Some speed and SEO improvements were made along with system upgrades and fixes. New Feature Bin Fulfilment Create a feature to filter bins by Bin Type #176861452 Starshipit Integration … Read More

System Updates 1 Jan – 1 Feb 2021

February 22, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update We rolled out new features around customer order fulfilment, improvements to the pacstream implementation and Titlepage integration. The Xero oauth2 version is now at a point where initial testing can start. Few Feature Item based customer order fulfilment Make bin settings interface mobile responsive #176046432 Starshipit Integration Create Service for creating … Read More

Circle Community Best Sellers January 2021

February 5, 2021By Emma VeldeBest Selling Books 2021, Circle Community Best Sellers

2020’s Booker Prize Winning novel, ‘Shuggie Bain’ edged out Barack Obama’s ‘A Promised Land’ coming in first with 1778 sales (-2,410).

Jane Harper’s ‘The Survivors ‘ moved up from 5th position to 2nd with 1137 sales (-1,908). The author’s debut novel, ‘The Dry’ was very close behind with 1089 sales (+119), no doubt due to the recent cinematic adaption of the novel.

Circle Community Best Sellers December 2020

January 21, 2021By Emma VeldeBest Selling Books 2020

Barack Obama’s ‘A Promised Land’ continued to hold top position in December selling a huge 4,534 copies (+ 2,217). 

2020’s Booker Prize Winning novel, ‘Shuggie Bain’ came in a close second with 4,188 sales while Trent Dalton’s ‘All Our Shimmering Skies’ slipped to third position with 3,691 sales (+1,460).

Circle Community Best Sellers November

December 9, 2020By Emma VeldeBest Selling Books 2020, Circle Community Best Sellers

New to the list, A Promised Land by Barack Obama was number one for November selling 2,317 copies. According to Penguin this is a riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making—from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy.

Trent Dalton’s All Our Shimmering Skies was close behind in second place with 2,231 sales (-2171).

 The 130-Storey Treehouse moved up from sixth place to third with 1916 sales (+347).