Since the Last Update

June has again been focused on optimisations, bug fixes and improvements plus the ongoing effort to get the Rails 4 upgrade over the line. Delaying R4 is to make sure that it can handle the load and that as many bugs as possible are out before we move everyone onto it. Thank you to the stores that have been beta testing the R4 version.

Beta Test Requests


  • Admin
  •  Distributors
    • Removed the ability to remove local transfer options (remove the red x from this list)
  • Label Printing
    • Put green guy (CO) on price labels so it is clear which books are customer orders
  • New Layout
    • Print button has been returned to the single item page on the website
  • Optimisation
    • PurchaseOrdersController#delete was taking a long time
  • PO Cart
    • Added a 1000 option to PO Cart size
    • Opening purchase order carts had become very slow – optimised, now it is much faster
    • Paginate Purchase Orders order_cart page so that very large carts can still open
  • POS
    • Only download site customer, do not download all group customers
  • Returns
    • Ability to sort Returns by Title, ISBN, INV # and Author in Cart | Awaiting Approval | Returns to Process | Awaiting Credit Notes
    • Add an author field to the returns printable pick form. Keep category as first sort, then sort by author with option to also sort by title and publisher

Bug Fixes, Housekeeping and System Administration

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • Rails 4.2 upgrade.
  • Automated consignment billing through the POS.
  • Vii gift card integration.

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Leading Edge Integration for order sending.
  • Customer order picking revamp.

Beyond the next month:

  • Ability to pay invoices with Cr notes.

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