Since the Last Update

The focus in February has been on the DPS EFTPOS integration, data migration tools, and Rails 4.2 testing – which we need more of to ensure fewer problems arise when we push to prod.

New Features

  • An option to display Open Invoices in Accounts 

Beta Test Requests

It is crucial that users test new features on beta to make sure there are no issues and staff are not surprised by the changes.

Consider assigning one tech-savvy person in your shop to check the Twitter feed (found in the Help tab) and to keep others up to date as fixes, improvements and new features appear. Many of these will be beneficial to your business.

Please test the following on beta:

  • New interface to set distributor for items when ordering.
    • This interface uses icons rather than a drop list to reduce the number of clicks required 
  • Rails 4.2 system upgrade.
    • To try this new operating system visit (Video 1:33).


  • Data Migrations
    • Email field is no longer needed in customer CSV uploads.
  • Distributor Settings
    • Add shortcut to set/unset default distributor for items. This enables you to see your local default when set and gives you a better interface (icons rather than a drop list).
  • eWay
    • A tick box to accept Terms & Conditions has been added to the website Cart. This is a requirement for Westpac/eWay applications.
  • Facebook
    • Added OG Tag to correct image display on Facebook.
  • Label Printing
    • Added a Print Label button to Inwards Goods > Stock Input to make it fast and easy to print multiple labels in non inwards goods situations.
  • MailChimp Export
    • Now exporting in batches to MailChimp to avoid the ‘time out’ error.
  • Migrations
    • The ability to delete data uploads has been added to beta make it possible to delete and redo an upload if issues are found.
  • Movers
    • Movers OH column now has an Ascending & Descending option like the PO search page.
    • Movers was throwing an error when an item had nil data. Have put in a nil data check to stop this.
  • Password Validation
    • Invalid passwords for usernames/emails with pluses in them will result in the plus missing in the screen they are returned to (‘+’ is now allowed).
  • Produce Setup
    • Remove remaining references to Single Product Setup as this is only for editing products not the initial setup.
  • Returns
    • When an ISBN is scanned it will show the job/invoice # regardless of the terms (blank or firm etc).
  • Security
    • Increased security around order viewing.
  • SEO
    • Removed out of print titles from the sitemap to improve the sitemap and SEO.
  • Speed
    • Improved the get_orders query from the POS (this still needs more work).
  • Web Sales Statistics
    • Added this year vs. last year +- % statistic to the cart conversion statistics. This is a back-end report that helps us improve the overall website performance.
  • Website
    • Cut white space at the top of the Cart so customers can see more items and the bottom buttons.
    • Replaced the text ‘In Stock’ with ‘Available Stock’.

Bug Fixes, Housekeeping and System Administration

Should be completed in the coming month:

  • Rails 4.2 upgrade.
  • Automated consignment billing through the POS.
  • Payment Express (DPS) EFTPOS integration.

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer:

  • Customer order picking revamp.
  • Further SEO and website performance monitoring.

New things we want to make a start on:

  • New central site for groups using new Java Script (Vuejs) technology that will eventually turn into a new Backoffice for stores.

Beyond the next month:

  • Ability to pay invoices with Cr notes.

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