System Updates 1 – 30 September 2021

October 8, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update In September we really jumped into the R6 upgrade with most devs doing something on it. We worked on the web pos and now are close to a MVP (Minimum Viable Product). If you would like to test pos on a phone let support know. Work on the group/association sites and … Read More

System Updates 1 – 31 August 2021

September 8, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update August focused on central sites for groups and associations and the new Circle gift card system. This is close to the stage where we have a minimum viable product ready to be beta tested. The group/association site is all about enabling the public to find which shop has a book, making … Read More

System Updates 1 – 31 July 2021

August 8, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update In July we spent a lot of time on the new Circle gift card system, bedded Xero in further, improved the agency code, improved how costs populate in inwards goods for new items, added options so that you have control over when web orders are invoiced, added links to stock logs … Read More

System Updates 1 – 30 June 2021

July 8, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update In June we bedded in the Xero integration further, continued to develop the new Circle Gift Card system, improved threshold report speed and added automatic cost calculation to the deals system. We standardised how web orders are handled which caught many by surprise and triggered further work to enable shops to … Read More

System Updates 1 May – 31 May 2021

June 2, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update In May we extended the Xero beta trial to more stores, added back office interfaces for the new gift card system and got the new bin fulfilment system to a point where it is ready for live testing. We increased cart load speed, split out cash accounts in aged receivables, improved … Read More

System Updates 1 Apr – 1 May 2021

May 6, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update In April work continued on the big things, bin fulfilment features, Circle gift card upgrade and the Xero integration which is now in beta with the first stores. We also completed the server move to Sydney, improved deals expiry time, increased speed and upgraded out system monitoring environment. New Feature Circle … Read More

System Updates 29 Feb – 31 Mar 2021

April 16, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update Work continued on bin fulfilment features, Circle gift card upgrade and Xero integration. We improved the mover’s time stamp system and changed the deal expiry to happen in the shop’s time zone.  A number of improvements were also made to catch and prevent transactions getting stuck in the POS. Finally a … Read More

System Updates 1 Feb – 1 Mar 2021

March 8, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update The new checkout was rolled out for everyone, work continued on bin customer order fulfilment features and the Circle gift card upgrade. Some speed and SEO improvements were made along with system upgrades and fixes. New Feature Bin Fulfilment Create a feature to filter bins by Bin Type #176861452 Starshipit Integration … Read More

System Updates 1 Jan – 1 Feb 2021

February 22, 2021By Emma VeldeSystem Updates

Since the Last Update We rolled out new features around customer order fulfilment, improvements to the pacstream implementation and Titlepage integration. The Xero oauth2 version is now at a point where initial testing can start. Few Feature Item based customer order fulfilment Make bin settings interface mobile responsive #176046432 Starshipit Integration Create Service for creating … Read More

System Updates 1 Dec 2020 to 1 Jan 2021

January 21, 2021By Warwick SchafferSystem Updates

Since the Last Update The big developments continued in Dec, Xero upgrade and customer order picking. In addition there were SEO improvements, the start of starshipit integration and issues that came up related to EDI and background processing that needed to be resolved. Few Feature Starshipit Integration – is a shipping management system helpful … Read More