
Click & Collect

This allows customers to hold stock using your website and then pop in to pick up and pay for it. This is great for customers that do not like paying online, want a faster online experience and like to also step into a real store but want to be sure what they want will be there when they come down. > Video



  • SEO
    • An Index has been added to sitemap queries to make sitemap generation faster.
    • Converted abandonment stats to cart conversion to match Google Analytics.
  • Website
    • Returning customers that don’t have a password can now set one up or opt for email only login
    • Allow customers to view their own invoices.
    • Improve validation issues and user experiences for login, edit profile and signup.
  • Aged Receivable
    • Improved error messaging on load_invoice in invoices controller not returning after redirect
  • Click & Collect
    • Ability to edit the message customers get at the end of the C&C process > Video
    • Now says ‘Reserve’ rather than ‘Hold’ on all stores.
    • Stopped Click and Collect button showing twice on promoted items on the Website.
    • Flag the email field as required and phone as optional
    • When RRP is the same as sell price it now isn’t repeated in the click & collect window.
    • Improved wording on modal: “Reserve this book and pick it up at your nearest store ” now has a single store version.
    • Use redis (background processing) to check for new orders in the backoffice to reduce database load.
    • Request additional account information on the landing page (requires further improvement)
  • Purchasing
    • Improved the “Remove associated Customer Order” Function in the PO Cart
  •  Categories
    • Added tracking to active record call backs. (This is to help isolate why items are falling into the default category)
  • Account admin
    • A user friend message when a field is missed instead of an error.
  • House Keeping
    • Fix pre 2012 manual adjustments in stock logs.
  • Sys Admin
    • Fix alpha (the test server) configs after moving to google cloud
    • Store ids to be updated into Elastic Search inside redis, avoid deadlocks which cause update delays.
    • Improved Paper Trail Accuracy – we use this to track down people that are mucking up community records 🙂
    • Add interface to restart resque workers. (So that we can restart failing workers when not close to a PC.)
    • We tweaked and restarted the servers last night and will continue to do this as load increases to Xmas.


Continuing work that we would like to deliver and or bed in this month

  • Adding mover functions to PO search
  • New sales reports
  • Agency tweaks + move to link distributor to agency
  • Print customer name on the POS receipt
  • Better process for customer order deposits.

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • New website layout + Bootstrap 3 upgrade
  • Customer order picking revamp to make it possible to pick, notify and print slips for all customers at once
  • Leading Edge integration
  • SSL for all

New things we want to make a start on

  • We want to avoid starting anything new this month.

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