Since the last update

le_logoAt this time of the year we focus on stability and avoid pushing new things to production. We have however rolled out new things around the POS and Leading Edge.

The big thing going on behind the scenes is a website rewrite. It is early days yet but you can get an idea of what it will look and operate like here. This started out as a bootstrap upgrade and turned into a total rewrite. If you have ever gone to move a plug and ended up rewiring the house you will have an understanding of how we got to this.

We are also working on SEO and monitoring to improve website performance. As part of this we have hired experts to review what we are doing and from this have a ToDo that we will implement over the next months.

New Features

  • POS – Download here (Mac only currently)
    • Added a total items counter. > 
    • Special order deposit integration. Enables you to easily pay the balance of orders with deposits. (Beta release) > Video
  • 10 digit isbn decoder
    • Load stock now has a 10 digit ISBN decoder – handy for old books. See Video > Video
  • LE integration
    • Circle web service will now automatically post LE orders to Circle See Video > Video
  • Accounts
    • Add a Balance Summary in acc’s rec when filtered by specific date range. > Video


  • POS – Put the line ‘Indicating GST of ‘$xx.xx’ into the POS receipt rather that just ‘includes GST of:’ in the total.
  • Group pricing – Move reg price to the site level and make it act the same as cost in relation to group prices.
  • Inwards goods – Stop save updating price in inwards goods. (This turned out to cause more issues than it fixed so is in the process of being rolled back.
  • Purchasing – Remove the imprint column and simply show imprint when you mouse over publisher (to make space).
  • Website – Added a date picker to the event page to stop dates being put in in the wrong format which causes errors.
  • SEO – Change the monthly abandonment stat to conversion. (Part of tracking down and fixing sites that are under performing)
  • Automated tests added
    – Sale order item
    – Payment model
    – Site#get_group_sales_stats
    – Till cashup
  • Security – POS: Code security improvements.
  • System Admin
    – Servers – Expanded the background processing server to make sure we are ahead of capacity requirements as we approach Xmas.
  • Added a down for maintenance page – keeps our SLA record in monitoring systems clean and to inform customers about maintenance
  • Resque
    – Remove Resque loner for monthly sales and order items
    – Remove high priority and normal priority job from site_product_es worker.
    – Took es delta ids import out of resque. (They were blocking some legitimate jobs not just duplicates.)
  • Elastic Search – Use another ES table to store ES delta value for product table. (This is to improve performance)

Bug Fixes

Plans for the coming Month

Continuing work that we would like to deliver and or bed in this month

  • Get SSL for all ticked off
  • Custom label printing

Things we are working on that are likely to take longer

  • SEO and website performance monitoring
  • Agency tweaks + move to link distributor to agency
  • Website rewrite + Bootstrap 3 upgrade
  • Rails 4 upgrade

New things we want to make a start on

  • Customer order picking revamp to make it possible to pick, notify and print slips for all customers at once
  • Returns revamp
  • Implementation of Bootstrap 3 in the backoffce

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